Our screens currently function as our window to the world. Most of our social interactions happen through the surfaces of our devices via various video-call programmes, where in the corners we see ourselves staring back at us. We are looking at ourselves while being on display. Our screens have turned into mirrors, and we ourselves have become a third party in a conversation of two. Constantly being confronted with our image while talking to others in a video-conversation, we have never been so aware of our presence in our interactions.
Saving Our Screens While Losing Our Minds is a reflection of each of the participants on the idea of invading other peoples spaces. The website functions as a installation everyone can install on their own devices by following the INSTRUCTIONS(click!),
bringing the video installation normally experienced in an exhibition context, in the comfort of their own homes.
Majd Amer
Eva Dumoulin
Julie Högner
Sohyeon Lee
Bastian Moosburger
Leen Murad
All together